Builders Edge 120072430001 Gable Vent - Rectangular - White - 24" x 30"
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Builders Edge 120072430001 Gable Vent - Rectangular - White - 24" x 30" Buy Now
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"Builders Edge 120072430001 Gable Vent - Rectangular - White - 24" x 30"" Feature
RECTANGULAR GABLE VENT - WHITE:Gable vents provide added architectural detail with their sharp distinctive characteristics. They offer key features that have become the benchmark in the industry. Installation is easy. The patented snap-on trim ring hides rough cuts and reduces installation time, while providing a finished appearance once the vent has been installed. These vents utilize a double baffle design that blocks a direct view into the home and provides added protection against wind-driven rain and snow. The sealed-in fiberglass screen offers complete insect and animal protection. Durable, maintenance-free UV. stabilized, deep wood grain texture. Constructed with color molded-through so they won't scratch, flake, or fade. Easy to install on all types of exteriors: wood, vinyl, stucco, brick, or fiber cement. Patented snap-on trim ring hides rough cuts and reduces installation time, while providing a finished appearance once the vent has been installed. Each gable vent has more venting area than industry standards. Polypropylene/polystyrene. Net free venting area: 97 sq in. OD: 26.2"x 32.2" Depth: 2.18" Rough opening: 10 in. x 10 in. Limited Lifetime Manufacturer's Warranty. Made in the USA. DIM shipping weight.
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