Buy Solar Attic Ventilator, Brown
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All in all, we are actually suggest Solar Attic Ventilator, Brown fou you. This online sellers provide the best and save price price which integrated super save shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions gives you with a a good deal of fuller data of the cons and pros from the Solar Attic Ventilator, Brown.
Attic Ventilator, Solar Powered, Roof Mount, Voltage 18 DC, Variable Depending on Sun Exposure RPM, 1000 CFM @ 0030-In SP, Max Attic Area 1550 Sq Ft, Free Air Intake Required 5.0 Sq Ft, Opening Required 14 1/2 dia In, Dome Dia 25 In, Dome Material Brown Galvanized Steel, Includes Detached Solar Panel and 25 Ft Cord Connection Solar-Powered Automatic Roof-Mount Attic VentilatorsInstall quickly without wiring or electrical hookup, and operate during peak daylight hours to increase airflow and remove moisture. Solar panels are wind-, hail-, and impact-resistant. Ventilators include expanded steel mesh bird screen and 25-ft. power cord.18VDC 14-1/2" dia. opening required 22-ga. powder-coated dome RPM varies depending on sun exposure
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